Mentoring for writers

Sian has been mentoring non fiction writers for over a decade. Drawing on her experience as published author and a writing teacher, she carefully guides aspiring authors through the process of shaping, refining and polishing their writing projects, including towards publication.

Whether you are focussed on shorter pieces such as essays, columns and feature articles, or longer projects such as memoirs or autobiographies, Sian can help you find the ‘story’ behind the ‘situation’ you’re describing, develop the best writing voice for your project, and pitch it to a potential publisher.

Sian’s mentoring students have included:

Alison Jones – The Jones Family Food Roster (Black Inc)
Leigh Hopkinson – Two Decades Naked (Hachette)
Justy Phillips – Ringed by Language. And Yet. (Upswell)
Brendan Watkins – Tell No One (Allen and Unwin)
Marcia Jacobs - various essays (Meanjin and Westerly)
Brooke Boland – Gulp, Swallow (Upswell)
Lucy Callaghan – various essays (The Monthly)

How it works

The mentoring relationship is above all one of trust. Sian will get to know you, your writing style and your goals, and tailor the mentoring relationship to your individual needs. She offers advice both in written form and via online or in-person meetings. She can edit your work, make suggestions about possible improvements, and tell you what’s already working beautifully. As a freelance journalist and a published author herself, Sian can also offer advice on how best to approach editors, agents and publishers, and how to handle the media engagements that may come after your work has been published.